Money as the Instrument of Mass Healing

A couple of years ago, I read that to change the flow of a river, you must change its landscape.

Using the same metaphor, in April 2006, I posed myself the following burning question:

:”’What is the most contagious business model that changes the economic landscape in such a way that the rivers of money will flow to a whole world?”’

And somehow, I feel I am mysteriously guided by it ever since. My life seems to fold itself around this question.

Our current monetary system is the weapon of mass destruction and unprecedented global slavery and it is utterly powerful, as we all experience. Want to destroy a community or society? Introduce a centralized, hierarchical, interest- and debt-based monetary system where money is scarce. Boo.

However, we can direct and focus this very same powerful force to create an all-healing laser beam:

:”The” power instrument of mass healing that puts war, unemployment, poverty, disease and global destruction of spaceship Earth into oblivion is a complementary innovative monetary ””’system””’. It fosters collaboration and community, and exalts mankind and nature to unprecedented heights. It is incredibly simple and only needs guts, leadership and love.

Money, as a form of energy, as a measurement, as information, should not be scarce.

What if money is created, not in a centralized hierarchical way and based on debt, but exactly at the moment of transaction? This makes money always sufficiently available. We never run out of money, just as we never run out of centimeters or inches.

What if we replaced interest on savings by paying a small fee on any open amount, be it in credit or debit—‘”’demurrage”’,’ the French call it? Say, 1% every four weeks. This makes money flow, since you want to direct its force to mainly support your passions and talent. This small fee flows into a community fund to support the commons.

What if we can join forces and synergize the thousands of small and fragment initiatives into an effort that creates some traction, some momentum that makes a difference?

What if we’ll change:
*globalism by localism,
*fiat-money by self-money,
*debt by reputation
*interest by flowmoney
*scarcity by sufficiency
*central by peer-to-peer
*savings by streamings
*closed by open
*wages by passion
*grabbing by giving
*dependance by empowering
*co-destruction by co-creation
*battle by cooperation
*slavery by freedom
*burn-out by exaltation
*egocentrism by community
*taking by giving
*us parasites by us symbiotic beings?


:”The” power instrument of mass healing that puts war, unemployment, poverty, disease and global destruction of spaceship Earth into oblivion is a complementary innovative monetary ””’system””’. It fosters collaboration and community, and exalts mankind and nature to unprecedented heights. It is incredibly simple and only needs guts, leadership and love.

Saving the world is, literally, incredibly easy. It is, in fact, so easy that you probably do not believe it. There are many alternative monetary systems that foster global collaboration, wealth, and the unfolding of a flourishing, whole Earth.

So, go ahead and don’t believe me, and research this for your selves. Do some transformational thinking and acting and being.

Imagine you have the guts to embrace this! I dare you.

Thank you.

Pitched by Martien van Steenbergen during [ De Baak » Meet The World 2009], January 2009.






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